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Friday 3 October 2014

Breed Discrimination in the City of Milwaukee

Wisconsin Voters for Companion Animals opposes Breed Discriminatory Legislation. In America, responsible pet owners should be allowed to own whatever dog they choose without the hardships of additional requirement or restriction not faced by other owners.   84% of Americans agree that government has no business telling responsible citizens what breed of dog they may own. 

Did you know that the City of Milwaukee has Breed Discriminatory Legislation against dogs that are one half or more American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, American Pitbull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Miniature Bull Terrier and Rottweilers? 

Here is what the City of Milwaukee ordinance includes:  

Leash and Training Requirement:  "Any person who walks a Pitbull or Rottweiler must be at least 16 years old and be able to control the animal.  A person older than 16 who is of slight stature may not be able to conrol a large Rottweiler and may not walk the dog.  In addition, the owner of the dog must attend a dog behavior class."

Fence or Kennel Requirements:  The owner of a Pitbull or Rottweiler dog must have one of the following installed in their yard. 

Option #1:  Install a fence that is sufficient to contain the dog. Sufficient height is determined on a case by case basis by a DNS inspector.  Climbable objects may not be placed next to the fence if they may allow the dog to jump out of the yard.

The fence must be made of non-climbable material (such as stockade type fencing).  The fence must be set at least 3 feet from any alley, sidewalk or other public right of way.

The dog may not be allowed to dig under the fence.  Steps must be taken to prevent this from happening.  Failure to comply with this ordinance can result in multiple citations being issued where penalties can exceed $2000. 

Note that a fence higher than 4 feet may not be installed in a front or side yard and 6 feet is the height maximum for a back yard fence.  (Note that many dogs can climb standard chain link fences.  If you install a chain link fence and your dog learns to climb it you will be required to replace it). 

A permit is required to install a fence.

Option #2:  Install a kennel sufficient to contain the dog.  The kennel must have a concrete floor.  The fencing for the kennel must be non-climbable and may need to be higher than six feet if a doghouse is placed in the kennel, as the dog could climb onto the house and escape the kennel.  This can be prevented by installing a securely attached roof on the kennel.

Chain link fencing with an attached roof is acceptable for a kennel. Rottweilers and pitbulls must be placed ina an approved kennel if left outside unless the yard is enclosed with a fence as described previously in option #1.  

A permit is required to install a kennel.

We believe there is a BETTER way:  Officials will make our communities safer by implementing strong breed-neutral policies that target reckless owners, (not responsible owners),  since they are the real cause of the most dangerous dogs. 

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